If you were recently released from custody, you might have questions for your Sugar Land criminal defense lawyer. One big question you might have is what kind of release conditions you face. There are several different conditions that may be applicable in your case.
You may be required to reside with a third party custodian.
As part of your release, you may be required to stay with a third party custodian. Whoever takes this responsibility will then monitor you. They may be mandated to ensure you meet your bail requirements. Courts may also order your third party custodian to inform officials if you violate any conditions of your release.
You may be subject to electronic monitoring.
Officials may use electronic monitoring to ensure you stay within specified boundaries during your release. There are typically two types of monitoring:
- Transmitting devices: These devices restrict individuals to a specified radius. This is most commonly used if a defendant is subjected to house arrest.
- GPS devices: Global positioning (GPS) devices may also be used. These are usually used if a defendant is subjected to travel restrictions. The device will allow defendants to leave the home, but give officials the ability to closely monitor their movements.
You may be prohibited to contact certain individuals.
Courts may issue no-contact provisions. These provisions will institute prohibitions against you, restricting you from contacting certain individuals including witnesses and the alleged victim. While you might think this is a punishment, it may actually help your case. You may be prohibited from contacting witnesses, which is something your Sugar Land criminal defense attorney would tell you to do regardless of the release conditions.
This is because if you contact witnesses, you run the risk of doing something that may be construed as witness tampering. Depending on the circumstances, some statements you make to potential witnesses could also be considered an admission.
This doesn't mean you won't be able to get any information from them. Your legal team will usually still have access to the alleged victim and witnesses. For an extra precaution, your Sugar Land criminal defense lawyer will likely request that the judge openly state in court that victims and witnesses may be contacted by both the defense attorneys and their legal investigators.
The above prohibitions are not an exhaustive list of all release conditions you may face. Call Sugar Land criminal defense lawyer John Venza for a more detailed consultation about your release terms today.