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Prostitution Fighting Relentlessly for Your Rights & Freedom Since 2001

Prostitution Lawyer in Fort Bend, TX

Hire a Former Prosecutor to Fight Your Charges

Texas law defines prostitution as a person who:

  • knowingly offers or agrees to receive a fee from another to engage in sexual conduct; or
  • knowingly offers or agrees to pay a fee to another for the purpose of engaging in sexual conduct with that person or another.

To convict a person of prostitution in Texas, the prosecution has the burden of proving that the defendant had knowledge of either being or paying a prostitute, a fee was exchanged in order for the prostitution to occur, and an attempt to commit, or commission of, a sex act must have occurred. However, a good defense attorney should scrutinize and challenge every element of the prosecution’s attacks and case strategies to maximize the chances of getting a defendant's charges reduced or dropped altogether.

As a former prosecutor, I understand how the prosecution will build its case strategy against you. The government can be relentless in its pursuits to convict you of prostitution, which is why you need my aggressive, powerhouse defense in your corner. Thus, if you have been charged with the crime of prostitution, you need a lawyer who will fight with everything in his arsenal to keep charges off your record.

To begin your defense, contact the Law Office of John L. Venza Jr. at (281) 817-8737 right away.

How Does the Texas Police Department Identify Prostitution?

In 2019, the Texas Police Department arrested 3,048 prostitution and commercialized vice suspects. With this in mind, it would benefit you to learn how the police identify this illicit activity, as you would be surprised to learn how often they “set up” suspects with the intention of arresting them.

The Trap

Prostitution cases typically begin with an undercover officer or group of undercover officers coming up with an advertisement expressing interest in a sexual encounter. The ad may or may not initially mention money; sometimes that offer is stated in the following text message conversations. Then, the police post this ad on Craigslist or an online dating site in which someone is locating a willing partner to hook up with.

Keep in mind that law enforcement officers usually post very misleading advertisements. For instance, the ad may include a photograph of the person supposedly writing it. However, that photograph is almost always a random picture the police found on the internet. If you saw a photograph of the actual person writing the ad, you would probably see some disheveled looking man with a beard and a badge.

Police tactics utilized in creating these ads can sometimes lead to the successful deployment of the defense of entrapment. For background, entrapment can be used as a legal defense if a defendant alleges that police officers acquired incriminating evidence for prosecution purposes by inducing the defendant to engage in a criminal act that they otherwise wouldn’t commit. In other words, entrapment is like a setup.

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Recent Case Results

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Get Your Case Dismissed

Developing the right strategy and using my connections in the legal community, I will do my best to get your case dismissed so you can move on with your life.